Monday, December 10, 2007

I didn't do it, Lord screwed me !

/* crap.c */
#include "screwed.h"

int main(void) {

/* At last it's over. I am really relieved. I had my Compilers final today. It was really terrible, I have messed it up really badly, but you know what, Lord Screwed Me ;-) ... How ? Here's how :

1) Lord has not given me the strength to wake up and attend classes, especially, those that take place at 9:00 am, which was the case with Compilers class. (additional weakness: sleeping at 3:00 am)
2) Lord has not given me the strength to stay awake and focus in classes as demanding as Compilers, I dozed off half the time in those lectures.
3) Lord has not given me the wisdom to go through such tough material at least once a week so that I can feel comfortable with the concepts. I really have to wait for the finals to come for my recovery action to get started.
4) Lord has not given me the wisdom to utilize a gap of two days before the tough final, so that I can still do it better than what I did, in fact could have been much better.
5) Lord, aaaaaarrrghh ... has not given me the HUGE WISDOM to pick up question papers from the past few years and try to solve them at least. Even that would have helped me a lot.

I am such a helpless guy ! ... Lord is a big, hidden sniper who enjoys playing "Shoot the Kid" game with me ;-) ... */

return SCREWED; /* haha */

You must have got the story by now. So, lame excuses aside, the real point of writing this post is that I wanted to communicate to you something I have realized in the past couple of days. Compilers is a very interesting, important paper and every computer science student should try to understand it as good as they can. Not convinced ? Steve Yegge's post might give you an idea. Personally, I have read the dragon book on Compilers (Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools - Aho, Sethi, Ullman) in the past couple of days and I must say it's been challenging, stimulating and enlightening. It's definitely not easy but it isn't meant to be, it's not Java ;-) ... I have made a resolve: To keep on reading the book and improve my understanding of Compilers.

Tell you what, I DIDN'T DO IT, LORD SCREWED ME ! ... haha :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.